Production and Realease of Tropane Alkaloids from Deadly Nighushade (Atropa belladonna L.) in Hydroponic Condition

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Postgraduate student, Departement of Agricultural Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu- Ali Sina University

2 Associate Professor, Departement of Bitechnology Bu- Ali Sina University

3 ssociate Professor, Departement of Horticultural Sciences Bu- Ali Sina University

4 Associate Professor, Departement of Horticultural Sciences Bu- Ali Sina University

5 Professor, Departement of Phytochemistry, Shahid Beheshti University


Atropa belladonna  is one of the medicinal plants used in widespread in Iranian traditional medicine. The hydroponic, method was successfully used in Datura innoxia to increase the secondary metabolite production. In this study. Atropa belladonna plants were cultivated in hydroponic condition before being permeabilized with Tween 20. After 30 days the seedlings were transferred to hydroponics, solution containing different concentrations of Tween 20. High concentration of scopolamine (9.29 mg/1) and atropine (Tropane's alkaloid) were detected in the nutrient solution containing 7% of Tween 20 while the control solutions with no Tween 20 showed lowest levels of scopolamine and atropine. After having their roots rinsed, all the plants were able to survive.  These results indicated that hydroponic solutions containing up to 7% of Tween 20 could facilitate release of secondary metabolites from the roots.
