Investigating the Effect of Integrated and Agronomic Management of Spring Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Weed Control in Kalibar City

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Plant Ecophysiology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz. Tabriz, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Horticultural Science and Engineering, Ahar Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.

3 PhD Student, Department of Horticultural Science and Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.

4 MSc Graduated. Department of Plant Ecophysiology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.


Weeds are one of the most important factors that reduce the growth and yield of plants, and weed control is one of the most important managements in farms. Various methods have been reported to control weeds. In order to control weeds, farmers have to use herbicides with destructive biological effects. The use of high concentrations of herbicides increases the resistance of various weeds and endangers the health of the environment. Weeds are controlled by manual, agronomic and chemical methods. Although weed management by methods such as weeding and the use of herbicides are effective in controlling weeds, these methods are uneconomical and cause environmental pollution. Therefore, it is necessary to use an alternate method to control weeds. According to the mentioned topics, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of integrated and agronomic management of weeds in spring safflower fields and the yield and yield components of safflower seeds (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in Kalibar city in East Azerbaijan.
Materials and methods
In this study, the effect of integrated and agronomic management of weed control on the yield of safflower oil seed and medicinal plant was carried out in four replications based on a randomized complete block design. In this study, experimental treatments include the application of various weed control methods at 9 levels, including 1. Complete weeding of weeds during the entire safflower growth period (control), 2. Straw and stubble mulch of wheat (three tons/ha), 3. V. villosa (density of 50 plants per square meter), planting distance on the row 10 cm and between rows 20 cm, 4. V. ervilia cover plant (density of 50 plants per square meter), planting distance on the row 10 cm and between rows 20 cm, 5. Application of 100 % trifluralin herbicide (2.5 L/ha) before planting, 6. Application of 100% haloxyfop – R-Methyl herbicide (1 L/ha) in the five-leaf stage of weeds and narrow leaf plants, 7. Application of 50% trifluralin herbicide (1.25 L/ha) along with straw and stubble mulch before planting, 8. Application of 50% haloxyfop – R-Methyl herbicide (0.5 L/ha) along with straw and stubble mulch in the five-leaf stage of weeds of narrow leaf plants, 9. Lack of control of weeds. Weeds were present throughout the growth period (uncontrollable evidence). Analysis of the variance of the measured traits was done in the form of randomized complete block design with four replications. Before analysis of variance, establishing the assumptions of normality of distribution of deviations, uniformity of within-treatment variances and summability of block and treatment effects were checked and confirmed by Tukey 's test. Comparison of the average traits was done using Duncan's test at the five percent probability level. SPSS and Excel software were used for statistical analyzes and graphs.
Results and discussion
According to the findings of this study, the highest yield of safflower seed was achieved in the complete weeding of weeds, which was not significantly different from trifluralin herbicide + straw mulch and wheat stubble. Trifluralin herbicide treatments + straw mulch and wheat stubble and complete weeding caused an increase of 119% and 128.6% respectively in safflower seed yield. The application of mulch alone increased the yield of safflower seed by 62.5%, but the cover plant of safflower, the cover plant of cowpea and the herbicide haloxyfop – R-Methyl had no significant effect on the yield of safflower seed. The weed control treatments increased the grain yield by increasing the number of seeds produced, but the 1000-seed weight was not affected by the weed control treatments.
The highest increase in the number of seeds per plant (34.3%), the number of seeds per plant (97.8%) and the yield of seeds (119.%) was obtained in the treatment of trifluralin herbicide + straw and stubble mulch of wheat. These results show that trifluralin herbicide + straw and stubble mulch of wheat were the most effective among the non-mechanical weed control treatments of safflower field. The results showed that the seed yield with 128.6% and the number of seeds per plant with 110% changes showed the greatest response to weed control treatments. The results showed that using straw and stubble mulch can reduce the use of chemical pesticides in weed control. According to the results of weed control, it has had a significant effect on reducing the density and biomass of weeds.


Main Subjects

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